Find Sri Lanka stock market performance by use of index system

Market Indicators of stock exchange in Sri Lanka is also a necessary tool which indicates the behavior of entire sri lanka stock market performance. From using these market indicators we can easily get idea in what direction that this market moving (Upward or Downward). The basic predictions of whether the share price will move up or down can be done from this indicators method, but your perdition’s may not assure 100%. There are two major indicators in Colombo stock exchange and these two indicators do a major part in sri lanka stock market performance. Following are some information’s regarding these important major stock indicators of Sri Lanka.
All Share Price Index (ASPI)

All Share Price Index (ASPI) was calculate since 02nd of January 1985. In the year of 1985 the base index value of Colombo stock exchange taken as 100 by considering the daily total capital base. All Share Price Index (ASPI) covered entire shares on share market and the sri lanka stock market performance on that day. This index covers all the trade which takes in to account on during on entire market day. All Share Price Index value change daily basis (CSE working days) and bellow figure mentioned the index variation of that day.
Daily Behaviors

This image shows the daily All Share Price Index (ASPI) sri lanka stock market performance. You can see in 7th January 2015 at 10.47 am the value of ASPI is 7446.47 and this value vary in every minute.

All Share Price Index (ASPI)
Following image shows weekly, monthly and annual sri lanka stock market performance according to this All Share Price Index (ASPI). We can get some better understanding on entire Colombo Stock exchange behavior on this indexing method.


Monthly Behavior

Quarterly Charts

Quarterly Charts

S&P Sri Lanka 20

All Share Price Index (ASPI) is much popular in Colombo stock exchange compare with S&P Sri Lanka 20 and these two indicator do a major role in sri lanka stock market performance. We can predict in what direction that Colombo stock exchange move looking these indicators. These indicators are also useful to have an idea on sri lanka stock market performance S&P Sri Lanka 20 is the other index system use to measure sri lanka stock market performance and this is now use for Milanka Price Index. To calculate this index the most trade and highly capitalized 20 companies in current market at different sectors take in to account. S&P Sri Lanka 20 base value was calculated at 17th December 2004 and base value of this index on that day is 1000. Most of companies fall in to this S&P Sri Lanka 20 are blue chip companies and all the shares falls in to this category are Voting common shares. This index change in every year at December month and this indicator not show entire sri lanka stock market performance. Like I mentioned in All Share Price Index (ASPI) , this index is also change daily , second to second.


All Share Price Index (ASPI) is much popular in Colombo stock exchange compare with S&P Sri Lanka 20 and these two indicator do a major role in sri lanka stock market performance. We can predict in what direction that Colombo stock exchange move looking these indicators. These indicators are also useful to have an idea on sri lanka stock market performance